What is "Aikido"

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THE HISTORY OF AIKIDO Aikido is the current martial arts Ueshiba Morihei (1883~1969) found by training mind severely and mastering the martial arts of several organizations and circles like daito-ryu aiki-jujutsu. In this martial arts, you do not uselessly fight with another person using muscle strength. Its purpose is to train mind and body by developing each other and practicing many times with the technique based on the physical move. We do not play any matches because it does not need competing with each other. You could say it the martial arts which match the current Japan because it requires respecting each other. THE FEATURE OF AIKIDO In aikido, you assimilate your opponent’s strength with yours moving circularly and control him or her by entering into his or her blind spot. The point is that you can start it regardless of your gender, age and physical strength because you do not need to strain yourself by adding opponent’s strength to yours. Even though you do not understand how to use a technique at first glance, it has the systematic logic, and we aim to learn it in daily practice.